I Have Writer’s Block!!!

November 12, 2008

Maybe cause I’m easily distracted.  Maybe cause all I want to do lately is see flops at the poker table — by the way, did anybody catch the Main Event winner last night?  Twenty-two years old and nine million richer.  Why can’t that be me?  I don’t even need the nine million.  I’d be happy with five.  See, already talking about another topic instead of my writer’s block issue…

Maybe it’s because I just look forward to seeing what new apps I can buy on my new iphone.  Did I mention I got a new iphone by the way?  Thanks to a certain someone 😉 I’m now connected to the world 24/7… well except when I’m on the metro… or in elevators… or in underground parking garages… okay, so maybe I’m not connected 24/7 but still it’s pretty cool…

Or maybe it’s cause I’m just a procrastinator as of late.  Really?  Have I become a procrastinator?  I mean I know I’ve been putting off working out lately and maybe I should be doing work, work, instead of writing this blog entry, but I mean screenwriting… screenwriting is my passion, right?

No, that can’t be it…

It’s definitely writer’s block.

Either way, I just can’t seem to be able to write anything lately.  Witty?  Nope.  Creative?  Nope.  Funny?  I think that answer is obvious just by reading this post. I mean, I’m even struggling to write this dribble.  I started this post at 11 something and already it’s almost time for lunch.  Speaking of lunch, I’m starving.  Maybe, I should go right now… but if I go now, then the rest of my day after lunch is longer as opposed to if I wait and go later.  The dilemmas of everyday life… wait, what was I writing about??

Oh that’s right, so I’ve been working on this script for my class and I’m completely lost… and I’m only on page five. The books and writing gurus say by page ten, the genre has to be clear, the main question has to be posed, and above all it’s got to be interesting.


I haven’t even introduced all the main characters let alone the plot.  Do I even know what the plot is?  Do I even know what I want to write about?   Guess, I should start answering these questions and fast, since this is all due tomorrow.  Looks like it’s going to be a long day.

Man I’m starving…

Maybe I should eat lunch now?

Yeah, that sounds about right.


November 6, 2008

So it’s about 4:00 at work and GODLY slow and I’m browsing the web when I stumbled upon google’s new creation google maps “street view.”  Have you guys heard of this?  It’s CRAZY.  Basically, instead of seeing an aerial view of your house/neighborhood you can now see a 360-degree view from the street.  The only catch is that the street has to be highlighted in blue on the map.  Still, that’s pretty crazy… and bit creepy.  Of course, I tried it out and my house wasn’t available (sorry ladies, guess you’ll just have to wonder =p).   But the back of my parent’s house in Richmond was:


And here is my location right now as I write:


Stalking just got a little bit easier…